Monday, September 30, 2019

A Brief History of Economics Essay

Through his use of dialectical materialism, Marx not only changed the history of economic thought, but found great illumination for himself regarding the bonds of human society. The concept that seems relatively simple in today’s complex economic world was utterly revolutionary in the time of Marx: people develop their ideas about the world (and thereby, their ideas for how society should be organized and stratified) based on the material aspects of their lives. It was an elegant extension of basic Marxist theory: capitalism, according to Marx, is interested in offering naked materialism as a kind of booby prize to make up for the means of production being taken away from the people. If the people can no longer work for themselves and no longer work at perfecting their own craft as individuals, then, as Marx correctly deduced, people would require something to validate their work. This became the center of capitalism, as Marx understood it: materialism exists as a kind of justification for capitalism, and since materialism has permeated our culture to such an extreme degree, eventually social orders began to revolve around it. Hence, what capitalism serves as the cause of what Marx saw as nothing less than ongoing class warfare. It is interesting to note that Marx believed a violent revolution on the part of the proletariat was not simply a possible method of changing things, but actually served as the only method of changing things. This is because materialism was so embedded into class structures (which, in turn, was so embedded in power structures), and the only way for society to functionally survive was for it to become overturned completely. It is also interesting to note the ongoing effect that Marx has had on philosophic thought: materialism had previously been dislodged by Descartes and the famous declaration â€Å"I think, therefore I am;† as far as most people who pondered these things could conclude, thought preceded matter. However, Marx not only brought materialism to the philosophic forefront—the then-controversial idea that material preceded thought—but illustrated the notion that the abstractions of materialism had been concretized by capitalism into purchasable goods. 2: Marx and the Secret Source of Profit Perhaps the most enduring notion of Marx’s is the so-called secret of the source of profit under a capitalistic society†¦though such is Marx’s legacy of intellectual thought, a great many people simply accept this notion as reality: the source of profit is the surplus value that an employer gains from laborers. After all, the means of production have been taken from the people: skilled artisan cobblers have been replaced by factory line workers churning out shoe after shoe after shoe. The money saved by employing this assembly-line method of industrial production becomes pure profit for the employer. Interestingly, Marx tethered this to his own theories on circulating capital—that is, something that does not last, and is used up in the production of other goods and services, in direct opposition to fixed capital, which is traditionally held for over a year by a business or institution. Marx astutely deduced that the distinction between these concepts is not only relative, but arbitrary: the idea that capital held for 365 days is circulating and that capital held for 366 days is fixed is absurd. However, it allows the proletariat to essentially gloss over their own necessity to the entire institution of capitalism: they are led to believe that society is held up by the fixed capital of major investors and their long-term investments. In reality, society is held aloft by the ongoing purchases of the common man (and woman): their disposable income is burned off to provide them a sense that capitalism is worth it†¦it turn, their disposable income is used to make the rich richer, as the cliche goes, all the way up the capitalist pyramid. In Marx’s view, this is one of many ways that those in power forestall the seemingly unavoidable class war that he advocates: those with power—the purchasing power of the common man—are convinced they have none, and are bought off with trinkets. It is interesting to note that this echoes the master/slave morality inversion of Nietzsche. 3: Marginalists and the Economy In the evolution of economic theory, the impact of marginalism cannot be overstated. Once one had accepted the blunt realities of Marx—specifically, that society was organized based on the perceived value of items—the logical question remained: how does one quantify the value of an item? Marginalism illustrated the diminishing returns on the marginal utility of resold products, which dramatically impacted analysis of capitalist economy, the focus of economic analysis, and theories of value and distribution. Regarding the analysis of capitalist economy, marginalism helped solidify the supply and demand notion of economics as that of mainstream economic thought, as opposed to the labor theory of value espoused by Karl Marx. To put it mildly, this has had ongoing economic effects for the last century and a half. The focus of economic analysis shifted accordingly, as marginalism interacted with price theory: this allowed economics to project demand curves utilizing marginal rates of substitution as a means of determining not only when, but why a seller is willing to relinquish a product for a particular price. Perhaps one of the most lasting effects of marginalism on economic thought has been its effect on theories of value and distribution. With the previous measures in place, economists (as well as common people) now had a more-or-less accurate measure of determining the value of any given product in any given social context. Of course, this also effects the ongoing distribution of certain products to certain demographics in order to maximize profitability. Interestingly, this is one of the chief criticisms of marginalism as well: that it is a vague pseudoscience whose intent is to maintain not only the economic status quo, but the appearance of the status quo. It is no surprise, then, that Marxists continue to grapple with marginalist theory: they see it as a means of keeping the proletariat in check, and preventing any uprisings from them. 4: Thorstein Veblen: Survival of the Fattest Thorstein Veblen, for better or worse, specialized in bringing the human element into economic theory. Specifically, he theorized that the institution of the leisure class was a parasite feeding upon America: upon the backs of workers who are actually productive are a class who seek only profit and produce nothing but waste. He essentially created and popularized the notion of conspicuous consumption as the epitome of this theory: that wealthy individuals spend large amounts of money on ostentatious goods whose sole benefit is to publicly display their wealth to the world. Unfortunately, this has become an integral part of the economy: although an engineer might weep at the man spending over a hundred thousand dollars for a car, the American economy would be crippled if conspicuous consumption vanished overnight. Hence, the parasite metaphor: conspicuous consumption and naked profit helps the wealthy to bloat themselves on the backs of the poor until the entire enterprise inevitably crumbles under its own weight. Veblen perceived quite clearly that human notions about the world are social constructs created by individuals, and as time went on, those notions would change, necessitating a change in economic thought as well. He makes frequent comparisons to evolution to further this end: idle curiosity spurs innovation, innovation spurs conflict between the old guard and the innovators, and an economic Darwinism is born. The advent of industry and technological revolutions merely expanded his original point: the parasitic relationship continued unabated, as the innovations of the productive engineer class were inevitably utilized as means of conspicuous consumption and waste on the part of the leisure class. Planes are developed as a result of idle curiosity, for instance, but it is the leisure class that necessitates the invention of first class as a way of displaying their own status in the social hierarchy.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Medical Marijuana

Dustin Flynn Assn# 5 Example/Comparison/Argumentative Inductive TREAT THE SYMPTOMS, NOT THE INJURY For centuries marijuana has been used by the top doctors of their time. And until recently, the past thirty years, the actual physical effects were unknown. Over the past three decades Science and Medicine have been researching what useful and healing effects this herb has, if any. Through my research I have found what I had only thought to be true. Marijuana does have great medicinal use. It is currently being used for an array of illnesses and injuries. But its most effective uses are focused in treating the onsets of AIDS and the symptoms from chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. Those onsets and symptoms are anxiety, declining appetite, nausea, and general pain. These ailments bare a strong resemblance of the symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury, or TBI. It is because of these resemblances that I have come to the conclusion that marijuana could be the best treatment for the symptoms associated with TBI. In this article I am going to explain the historical uses of marijuana, the symptoms of TBI, the current treatments for TBI, how marijuana works, and the valued effects that marijuana can provide for persons diagnosed with TBI. As I said before, marijuana has been used for centuries for medicinal use. The first uses are dated back before 4000 BCE, (Before Common Era), as a food source because of its protein and omega 3 content. â€Å"The first recorded medicinal use was in 2737 BCE. Emperor Shen-Nung of China suggested it be used for the treatment of constipation, menstruation cramps, rheumatism, malaria, gout, and absentmindedness. †(Sanna, 18) Now if we look at some of these ailments and diseases and take some of the symptoms that are associated with them. We can see that they are similar to symptoms associated with TBI. Take rheumatism for example, most people associate rheumatism with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. But in its most simple diagnosis it is described as general pain and weakness, which is a common symptom with a major diagnosis of TBI. Patients with a major diagnosis can be in, sometimes, constant pain, because the receptors in the brain that regulate pain are damaged due to their TBI. So centuries before things were the way they are now, there was a suitable prescription for one major symptom associated with TBI. Now lets look at absentmindedness, we cannot be sure what the exact definition of this could have been in 2737 BCE. But what we can take from this is that even back then it was acknowledged that marijuana was a suitable prescription for issues concerning the brain. The Emperor was able to see a beneficial change in mood, memory, or thought process. Something made a significant change for him to recommend marijuana. Marijuana became very popular medically in China and eventually made its way to Europe. Around 500 BCE marijuana reached Europe, and with its long reputation as a medicating plant, the Europeans immediately put it into personal testing. â€Å"Doctors of that time separated marijuana into two groups, weedy, and cultivated. †(Sanna 18) The weedy marijuana was best used for curing hard tumors. And the cultivated marijuana was best used for soothing and curing coughs. Now that might seem like a big difference in the severity of symptoms, but the Doctors of that time tested marijuana with almost every ailment and disease that was brought to their attention. Again as before, if we look at one of these symptoms and compare it with symptoms of TBI we can see the benefits. As a patient with any severity of TBI there is a higher risk of developing cancerous and malignant tumors in the brain. â€Å"Doctors and Scientists are unsure of why this is associated with TBI†(Chew 851-878), but their research shows that the risks are there. Marijuana has certain properties called â€Å"Cannabinoids† (Richmond) that actually convince tumors anywhere in the body to commit suicide. The reason this is so beneficial for patients with TBI, patients who are at higher risk of developing tumors in the brain, is because the â€Å"Cannabinoids† in marijuana link up with our bodies own â€Å"Endocannabinoid System†, (Richmond) a system which naturally produces cannabis in our bodies, and fight tumors in the brain. â€Å"Tumors in the brain are the hardest forms of tumors in the body to cure, because they are so hard to treat. (Chew 851-878) It is extremely dangerous for Doctors to operate on the the brain, and normal chemotherapy will usually kill the patient before it kills the tumor due to what is called the â€Å"blood/brain barrier†. (Chew 851-878) â€Å"The blood/brain barrier† is a filter of sorts, the brain has to have whole blood and oxygen to operate properly. The â€Å"blood/brain barr ier† filters out toxins such as the ones used in chemotherapy, and is very selective in what it lets in the brain. The â€Å"Cannabinoids† found in marijuana are able to pass through that â€Å"blood/brain barrier† freely which allows it to do its job and destroy tumors, naturally. Let us skip ahead to around the ninth century. Marijuana has gained popularity as a medicine everywhere east of the Atlantic. And in â€Å"India it was claimed to cure dandruff, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, leprosy, insomnia, and tuberculosis. † (Sanna 18) As far as these ailments and diseases go, insomnia is the one symptom that is shared with patients of TBI. Many patients with any severity of TBI experience insomnia, or other sleeping disorders. Research today supports the Indians theories that marijuana can and does treat insomnia. Now to bring it home, in the United States from 1850 to 1942 marijuana was actually listed in the U. S. Pharmacopeia, which is the list of government approved and recommended drugs for use in treatment of patients. At that time marijuana was stilled called cannabis and was being used in the treatment of labor pains and nausea. But in 1942 the United States Government declared cannabis, (marijuana), a level one narcotic and was made illegal to prescribe, posses, or cultivate. Out of the two ailments that marijuana was being used for at that time, nausea, is a direct symptom of TBI. Patients with any severity of TBI can have chronic nausea brought on by a injured equilibrium. This injury can have the affects of severe motion sickness even when a patient is standing or sitting still. Finally in 2003, â€Å"Canada became the first country in the world to offer medical marijuana to patients† (Sanna 18), initially if was for the treatments of symptoms associated with cancer and AIDS. Since 2003 some states in the United States have followed that example, California being the first, but since medical marijuana is still Federally illegal patients, Doctors, and pharmacies can be arrested, closed, and have their licenses removed. Which makes the freedom of prescribing and receiving medication difficult. â€Å"More than 5. 3 million people, or approximately two percent of the U. S. Population, are living with disabilities resulting from Traumatic Brain Injury. † (Chew 851-878) Here is a list of some of the difficult symptoms, both mentally and physically, that these patients could be facing on a daily basis. Mentally; Attention Deficit Disorder, memory loss, depression, easily agitated, irritability, unprovoked acts of aggression and violence, mania, psychoses, and mood swings. These are just the main mental struggles these patients possibly face suffering from TBI. Physically; Random loss of consciousness, disorientation, headaches, general pain, loss of balance, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, bad taste in the mouth, sensitivity to light and sound, sleeping disorders, seizures, and loss of bladder and bowel control. With all of these symptoms these patients could be facing it is hard to think of the cocktail of medicine that these patients could be forced to take on a daily basis. Currently pharmaceutical companies try only to treat one symptom at a time, it makes for a bigger business and more profits, which leaves the patient, especially in this case, on the long road to recovery. Currently there are over thirty one different drugs being used just to treat the mental symptoms associated with TBI, with no one drug being able to treat multiple symptoms. So that means in most cases these patients are using at least two drugs on a trial basis at any given time, and if there is no change in symptoms they are simply switched to another medication until they achieve satisfactory effects. Just imagine the strain these patients are putting on their livers just to ease the symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury. And this is how it is for every patient, Doctors are still unable to come up with what works best for certain symptoms. With that uncertainty, patients become human test subjects, and each Doctor becomes a researcher. And in some cases of mild TBI, the medication that is prescribed has side effects that out weigh the patients initial symptoms. Why would anyone want to take medicine to stop vomiting if the outcome was constipation; and if someone has loss of balance, the medicine prescribed could make them extremely drowsy and have them sleep all day. The world of pharmaceuticals is expensive, representatives from these companies turn Doctors in to salesmen and spokesman. And the outcome is high cost prescriptions that cost the patient and the insurance companies millions of dollars every year, not to mention the huge amount of money that these companies receive from the government every year to research and produce new â€Å"miracle† drugs. Marijuana is made up of over 421 natural chemicals, of which over sixty are Cannabinoids†. (Richmond) Now as I mentioned earlier, we all have what is called a â€Å"Endocannabinoid System†, which regulates the â€Å"Cannabinoids† that are body naturally produces, that is right our bodies produce cannabis. The natural â€Å"Cannabinoids† in our body are used almost like our immune system. When there is something wrong in our bodies an alarm goes off, like when we get a cold, and our immune system rushes in and attacks that bad thing trying to kill it. Our â€Å"Endocannabinoid System† works almost the same way but it is able to fight many bad things at once, while also protecting our good cells, regulating proper brain function, and leveling our anxiety. Our â€Å"Endocannabinoids System† is very advanced, it is mostly gathered in the brain, but it spans through the liver, the bones and the nervous system. There are four main â€Å"Cannabinoids† that Doctors and Scientists have been able to focus on because of there over all medicinal uses. The first and most recognizable is Delta 9-Tetraydrocannabinol or THC. THC is a psychoactive component that mimics and enhances the bodies own Endocannabinoids System† (Richmond); which widely effects mood, appetite, sleep, and good cell protection. So for patients who have been diagnosed with TBI that have appetite loss, sleeping disorders, and mood swings, this component of marijuana can greatly help. The second main â€Å"Cannabinoid† is Cannabidol or CBD. à ¢â‚¬Å"CBD is a non-psychoactive component that enhances the sedative effect† (Richmond), which is good for patients diagnosed with TBI specifically dealing with insomnia. It also is an excellent anti-inflammatory, and bone growth stimulant. It has anti-diabetic and anti-bacterial capabilities, it also has anti-proliferative anti-cancerous capabilities, which means it helps to kill malignant tumors. It is a anti-spasmodic, which fights against muscle spasms and seizures. It is a neuroprotectant that helps regulate pain due to nerve damage, and it is a anti-psychotic, which helps in the fight against schizophrenia, these last three symptoms are directly associated with TBI. The third main â€Å"Cannabinoid† is Tetrahydrocannabivarin or THCV. THCV is a non-psychoactive component† (Richmond) that helps the other main â€Å"Cannabinoids† to be delivered faster, and to the correct spots where the â€Å"Endocannabinoid System† is possibly running low on ammunition. This component could extremely help patients diagnosed with TBI to get the correct â€Å"Cannabinoids† where they are needed quicker. But its downfall can be that if there is to much THCV in the certain strain of marijuana, that the effects of the other â€Å"Cannabinoids† will be short lived. It is also a very effective protective/preventive against type two diabetes. The last main â€Å"Cannabinoid† is Cannabichromene or CBC. â€Å"CBC is a psychoactive component that is a lower strength Cannabinoid† (Richmond) which is a excellent anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, bone growth stimulant, that strongly prohibits tumor growth in Leukemia and breast cancer. There are few solid arguments against the evidence that has been shown in today's scientific research. The most popular argument about using marijuana medicinally is that when smoked we are actually introducing tar and other cancer causing agents into our body. But research shows that there is absolutely, one hundred percent, no evidence to support the theory of that. In fact it is quite the opposite. Also to help against that argument, there are now ways of ingesting marijuana without smoking it, it can be made into a butter and cooked into everyday foods. It can be made into a spray form that is applied directly under the tongue, and it also comes in a very low dosage pill form which is currently used only for nausea and vomiting associated with cancer and AIDS treatments. Another argument is that there is no way to regulate the dosage on marijuana because there is such a difference between strains of the marijuana plant, someone could overdose. Scientist have proven that if someone was to overdose on marijuana that the initial reaction the body will put off is to just go to sleep, that is it. The patient would just sleep it off as if it were a hangover, minus the headache in the morning. Also the longest possible side effects will last with marijuana is only a few hours, even if there is a overdose situation. In the thousands of recorded years of marijuana use, for recreation or medically, there has not been one recorded death, no one has died just from using marijuana. In fact scientists have come up with what it would take for a person to actually die from smoking marijuana. â€Å"A person would have to smoke 1500 pounds of marijuana in about fifteen minuets, and they would probably die of asphyxiation. † (Richmond) The only other argument that has any solid ground is that, at least in the United States, marijuana is still federally illegal to posses, cultivate, and distribute. And to that argument, the only thing I can say is that it will take the states themselves to stand up and take care of their own people, and provide them with the medicines they need, then eventually the federal government will have to fall in line. In seeing this evidence of marijuana and its scientifically proven medicinal uses, most people can not believe it is true. People cannot believe that there is one drug that is able to treat so many things at once. The truth is that for thousands of years our body has produced this drug on its own, and with the growth of humans not only intellectually but physically, and industrially. We have created a world that has taken our â€Å"Endocannabinoid System† and made it in some cases useless. We are introduced to so many toxins in our food, in our air, and even in our medications that we have not been able to upgrade our â€Å"Endocannabinoid System†, like we have with our immune system ,with the introduction of vaccines and certain pollutants. Thousands of years ago, before we created most of the toxins of today's world, our â€Å"Endocannabinoid System† was perfectly able to combat along with our immune system against most of the ailments and everyday aches and pains. We have not steadily increased our intake of â€Å"Cannabinoids† like we have with other things. We are still operating at a level suitable for life thousands of years ago. With the introduction of marijuana into our bodies we will not only be able to fight against these tough symptoms associated with TBI, but we could possibly be able to prevent and possibly cure diseases like cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and many other everyday symptoms that we are all faced with in our life. Thesis Statement: marijuana could be the best treatment for the symptoms associated with Traumatic Brain Injury. OUTLINE I-TREAT THE SYMPTOMS; NOT THE INJURY A-Historical uses of marijuana B-Symptoms of TBI C-Current treatments of TBI D-How marijuana works E-The valued affects that marijuana can provide for persons diagnosed with TBI II-Historical uses of Marijuana A-Before 4000 BCE a-used as a food source B-First recorded medical use in 2737 BCE a-Emperor Shen-Nung of China makes suggested uses C-Marijuana in Europe around 500 BCE D-Marijuana in India around the Ninth Century E-U. S. Between 1850 and 1942 a-Marijuana is listed in U. S. Pharmacopeia F-2003, Canada become first country to legalize Marijuana for Medical use III-Symptoms of TBI A-Mental Symptoms B-Physical Symptoms IV-How Marijuana Works A-A brief description of the Endocannabinoid System B-The affects of marijuana on the Endocannabinoid System C-Four main Cannabinoids found in marijuana V-The valued affects that marijuana can provide for persons diagnosed with TBI A-The four main Cannabinoids and there healing powers VI-Arguments against the use of medical marijuana A-Marijuana smoke is bad for you B-No way to regulate dosage, possible overdose C-In the U. S. It is still federally illegal to posses, cultivate, and distribute VII-Marijuana and its overall affect on our body A-Marijuana is a great natural substance that cannot only heal us but prevent us from acquiring new ailments B-Marijuana is the best treatment for the symptoms associated with TBI REFERENCES Fogarty, A; Rowstone, P; Prestag, G; Crawford, J; Grierson, J; Kippax, S. â€Å"Marijuana as a Therapy for People Living with HIV/AIDS: Social and Health Aspects. AIDS Care February/19(2) 2007: 295-301 WEB August 15, 2011 www. cinahl. com/cgi-bin/refsvc? jid=914&accno=2009490500 Cotter, J. â€Å"Efficiency of Crude Marijuana and Synthetic Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol as Treatment for Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting: A Systematic Literature Review† Oncology Nursing Forum May/36(3) 2009: 345-352 WEB August 15, 20011 www. cinahl. com/cgi-bin/refsvc? jid=293&accno=2010421156 Chew, E; Zafonte, R. â€Å"Pharma cological Management of Neurobehavioral Disorders following Traumatic Brain Injury-A State-of-the-Art Review†¦ Research to Improve the Lives of Veterans: Approaches to Traumatic Brain Injury; Screening, Treatment, Management, and Rehabilitation in Arlington, Virginia, April 30 to May 2, 2008. † Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development June/46(6) 2009: 851-878 WEB August 15, 2011 www. cinahl. com/cgi-bin/refsvc? jid=1009&accno=2010544758 Sanna, E. J. Mind Altering Weed Broomall: Mason Crest, 2008 Print What if Cannabis could Cure Cancer. Dir. Lee Richmond. Lee Richmond Films LLC 2010 Film Medical Marijuana Marijuana is the most commonly used drug in the United States. However, it has singular distinction of being both a commonly used illegal substance and also a legally prescribed medical substance. Marijuana will always be used for private reasons or for medical purposes. Isn’t it a good thing that children not even four years of age are offered medical marijuana to cure diseases such as epilepsy? Seth Ammerman and Courtney Williams are writers for New’s Digital weekly. These articles were published in December of 2012. Courtney and Seth state their point of view about medical marijuana.Should medical marijuana be prescribed to children? People who are against medical marijuana say that there is not enough scientific research to support prescribing cannabis. Medical Marijuana is only legalized in some states because everyone has their own right to state their own opinion. Not every state agrees. In every cannabis plant there are cannabinoids, which are the THC and CBD ch emicals. THC is the chemical that drug cartels use illegally. Cannabidol is the chemical that is put into medical marijuana. Most dispensaries do not get tested for there cannabinoid content.The chemical is usually unknown. One of the major issues to prescribing a child medical marijuana is the cause of addiction. Marijuana can alter the brain into wanting the drug all the time. The younger a child starts to use cannabis, the child may never want to stop. (Ammerman 2) Of course there are side effects that may give you a negative feeling about using medical marijuana, such as anxiety, paranoia, and depression. While some people say what if. There are others who take a risk and take a chance. Parents who have chosen cannabis to treat their child have raised their eyebrows.A two year old had to go through 39 hours of surgery, while under anesthesia for 42 days. The doctor sent the child home on hospice and morphine. The child’s pediatrician suggested cannabis. The two year old i s now alive and free of cancer. (Williams 2) Marijuana contains of Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Vitamin F is also found in medical marijuana that contains a cannabinoid acid, which allows the cells in your brain to treat the disorder. (Williams 2) In my own opinion, I’m for medical cannabis. Children can always stop themselves from becoming addicted if they use the drug correctly and they do not abuse it.There are millions of people today using cannabis as medicine. While children are throwing a million and one pills down their throat and nothing is working. You can never doubt medical marijuana. Medical marijuana will be able to cure anything. Should medical marijuana be prescribed to children? Yes, it should. Medical marijuana is a touchy subject. There may not be enough scientific evidence, but who needs evidence when there is proof. All you have to do is take one look at a child who is free of cancer from using medical marijuana. That child is the proof.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Answer q Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answer q - Research Paper Example The current managers did not seem to realize there was a current problem with theft. When she mentioned it to another student employee, he just shrugged it off. Should she tell on the others and risk being fired or should she wait it out until she was a manager and take care of it herself? Some of the strengths of the company are that they are a student run business on campus that offers convenience for food for them. The weaknesses are that they put other students in charge of business and they sometimes do not have training and since they are around peers, they are not seen as authority figures. Opportunities are that students can obtain management experience while in college so they might have better chances for jobs after graduation. They are in a hands-on learning situation. The threats of the company are that some authorities are not right there so cannot be looked to for help and the main managers are oblivious to the issue. As a consultant, in order to make the business more profitable, would be to hire one full time manager who is not a student. Let there be a few student managers that are part-time. All employees should have to follow a code of conduct and they would be let go if they did not follow it. People who notice problems should be rewarded and encouraged to report them to upper staff

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Globalization - Essay Example Both the Leagues of Nations and the United Nations have been very significant in solving international disputes. Therefore, both this organization influences the international politics very greatly. A league of nations influences the international politics of the areas where it is found. A good example is the Arab League that influences the international politics of the Arab countries. Another example is the African Union that influences the international politics of the African countries. However, due to globalization, these organizations are greatly influenced by the United Nations. The United Nations influences the international politics across the world. This is because its membership consists of all the states of the world. Although the world powers play the most significant role in controlling and funding the United Nations, other member states also play a very significant role in the operation of the organizations. Since the time it was formulated more than a decade ago, Unite d Nations has been able to ensure a peaceful coexistence between states. Strengths and weaknesses of the League of Nations and the United Nations Different international organizations have their own strengths that depend on their internal and external factors. The strengths of the League of Nations are different from the strengths of the United Nations. For the League of Nations, ordination of members is easy and effective. This is because most of these organizations have members from the same nations. This makes communication within members to be easier thus enabling them to coordinate much better when undertaking an activity together. Moreover, such organizations can settle conflicts within their member states much better. This is because they understand the political and economic states of their member states much better than the United Nations do. United Nations, on the other hand, has a large budget. This enables it to handle the complicated conflicts that might require use of a large amount of resources. Moreover, the decision makers in the United Nations are selected from across the world. This makes the organizational leadership of this organization to consist of countries that are less biased. However, the two organizations also have weaknesses. Like their strengths, the weaknesses of these organizations vary across them. One of the weaknesses of the League of Nations in that it does not consists of many members, thus, they have a very small budget. Moreover, this kind of organizations might not have a world superpower among them. As a result, they find themselves relying on either the United Nations or other regional organizations for support. The weakness of the United Nations is that its decisions are dominated by the world’s super powers. This makes them to look as if they are ruled by some few countries of the world. Another weakness of the United Nations is that it has bureaucratic procedures. This makes it to be very slow when it comes t o reacting to crises between its member states. Relationship of Strengths of the United Nations and accomplishments and failure of its predecessor According to Kegley and Blanton (142), the United Nations Organization was formed in 1945 just after the World War II. This indicates that both World War I and World War II preceded it. World War II resulted in emergence of superpowers. The superpowers have been playing a very important role in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Bridge on the River Kwai Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Bridge on the River Kwai - Movie Review Example The story speaks about living in dignity, being civilized and treating others in a human manner regardless of their condition and status in life. However, it also speaks about the realities of the possibilities that the good motives of dignified men, trained and educated to do service to other people, may well be mixed with personal intentions and objectives that is, to satisfy one’s ego and desires by being known throughout the world for ages because of their achievements. Colonel Nicholson presents a confusing character. He was stubborn in demanding his rights and for a viewer, it would be hard to understand why he would allow himself to suffer rather than just obey orders and be treated well. He is also an interesting character who stirs curiosity from the audience. The initial reasoning of the British colonel is highly commendable. He thought about the good of his officers, fighting for their rights. It is highly appreciated for an officer to keep to the rules and regulati ons even in the face of death. In defending his and the rights of his officers, colonel Nicholson endangered his life as well as his officers. Still, wanting to show his men the principles that he clings to, he defied the Japanese commander. When he was punished, caged in a box like an animal, he did not allow his situation to limit or even depreciate his beliefs rather he stood his ground that the British officers will have no part in the manual labor demanded by the Japanese as stated in the international law. This showed cultural issues, with the British showing diplomacy and the Japanese showing barbaric disciplines. In the course of time, when the Japanese commander was pressured by his deadlines, he eventually had to bend his rules against his will to the demands of the British officer if only to save his life from the dangers he faces if he was not able to meet his deadline for the construction of the bridge. Having regained his power and dignity in the presence of the Japane se soldiers, colonel Nicholson solicited the help of the British officers and soldiers to build the bridge they were ordered to do, the best thing that happened in the movie. The colonel had good intentions of showing how diplomatic the British could work with their enemies and let them appreciate the ‘civilized’ living they have, adhering to rules and respecting humanity, giving them the dignity of human beings. Instead of working against their enemies as initially intended, the British prisoners of war worked in their favor. The engineer revealed the mistakes in building the bridge on an unstable area and he collaborated with the other officers to plan to make a good bridge. The ideal of Nicholson were logical he could even convince any viewer with it. Build a bridge of good quality and show the Japanese what British soldiers could do, boost the morale of the soldiers and uphold their dignity and, to top his reasoning, the project would be for the good of the British government, were what the officer said. Building the bridge would be a diplomatic act in favor of the British government, he reasons. But was that really it? When the engineer told Colonel Nicholson that the bridge they were to build is similar to the medieval London Bridge that stood six hundred years of service, he became ecstatic, more driven and ambitious. He probably was

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The role of advertising in the success of the company Assignment

The role of advertising in the success of the company - Assignment Example This "The role of advertising in the success of the company" essay outlines four various print messages of famous companies and analyze their marketing strategies and their success. Tide is a detergent manufactured by Procter and Gamble. The product takes pride of its reputation as one of the leading brands due to its capability of removing tough stains. Tide is a premium product taking care of the cleanliness and purity of clothes. Instead of focusing on the industrializing India, the advertisers chose to utilize the image of the traditional India and its connection with the laundry detergent. The Ganges River and the Taj Mahal are two important places in the Indian culture. It should also be noted these significant places became major attractions to tourists worldwide. The Ganges River and Taj Mahal is directly associated with purity to Indians according to their religious beliefs. Thus, the communication objective of this advertisement is to make Tide as the detergent which can cl eanse and purify stained clothing the same as how Ganges River purifies the soul and how Taj Mahal portrays pure, unblemished love. This advertisement appears on the magazine Good Housekeeping. This channel is rational because it is most read by housewives who can be more interested on how their household tasks can be made easier by various products. Thus, Procter and Gamble opted to advertise Tide in order to capture this target market. The advertisement shows no definite source but the message is clear—Tide is superior in eliminating stains and whitening fabrics.... This advertisement appears on the magazine Good Housekeeping. This channel is rational because it is most read by housewives who can be more interested on how their household tasks can be made easier by various products. Thus, Procter and Gamble opted to advertise Tide in order to capture this target market. The advertisement shows no definite source but the message is clear-Tide is superior in eliminating stains and whitening fabrics. The execution of the advertisement is really profound and mystifying. It should be noted that an ordinary individual which has no knowledge on Ganges River and Taj Mahal will be unable to understand what the Tide advertisement is all about. Chanel This simple ad features a blown up image of the beautiful and captivating Eugenia Volodina wearing the new sparkling glasses of Chanel which exudes sophistication and elegance. The advertisement's objective is to inform customers of Chanel's new offerings as well as persuade them to purchase the new product. From its establishment in the early 1910s, Chanel has become an icon of elegance with the brand being synonymous to elegance, wealth, and elitism. Chanel became the ultimate sign of high French class, catering to the needs of elite women. The global popularity of the brand has now made it a top choice for elegant women with very high purchasing power. Thus, the appearance of the ad in Vogue which is recognized as one of the most influential force in shaping fashion and culture is warranted by Chanel's quest of capturing the elite niche. It should be noted that Vogue caters to the same intellectually sophisticated and fashionable females that Chanel are also targeting. The advertisement conveys numerous messages. First, Chanel sunglasses are

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Thomas Jefferson and the New American Nation Essay

Thomas Jefferson and the New American Nation - Essay Example Usage of terms such as â€Å"necessary† creates an impression of the strong need for the Americans to take the proposed action, which is well connected to their human nature. The line, â€Å"One people† can be translated to send a strong message that the Americans and the British were different people brought together politically and breaking the â€Å"political bands† which was a necessity for the survival of the Americans. This choice of words was intended to capture the attention of America’s friends (Dolbeare & Cummings 49-52). However, there is one line in the Declaration that gathers much controversy and debate. The usage of the line, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness† poses an intention that could have well been deeply thought to bring a diverse interpretation by the Americans, the British and possible allies who could assist the Americans in their quest for independence. This line consists of a group of principles pertaining to human rights that are naturally and rhetorically read and interpreted together. The principles brought out include: of equity; inalienability of the rights; examples of the rights; and an implication of the necessity that the government should secure these rights and the right of the people to abolish abusive governments (â€Å"Declaration of Independence†). It can be said that Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence wills not only the freedom but the establishment of an equal footing within the American soil once the colonial powers are put to rest. However, the sound and uplifting message of such line â€Å"†¦ that all men are created equal†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is, in one way, problematic up to this day.  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 45

Summary - Essay Example People always perceive that the city life is luxurious and convenient. Even though, this might be true, this is not always the case. For instance, in Aesop’s fable, the country mouse proved to the town mouse that town life is not always reliable as perceived since he could not even have a meal in peace (Carroll 1). This fable was widespread in the Classical era (Carroll 1). Artists such as Horace incorporated the fable in his satires concluding his stories with quotes from Aesop’s fable. Nevertheless, writers from the 12th century, such as Walter of England, contributed most to adapting Aesop’s fable. Aesop was a fabulist credited with numerous fables that are collectively referred to as Aesop’s Fables (Carroll 1). According to historians, Aesop might or might have not written his fables. However, his Romantic writings confirm that he wrote his own works and he should be given credit for writings that seem so contemporary yet

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Applying Problem Solving Essay Example for Free

Applying Problem Solving Essay There are so many problems in the world today, personal as much as in society as a whole. The question is, how can we solve them? The answer is, soft skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. These are arguably the most effective weapons we have against combatting these problems. Let’s explore two examples of real-world scenarios: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Gun Violence. A recent study confirmed a direct link between tumors and Genetically Modified Organisms (Food Chem Toxicol, 2012). The scientific method was used to observe, hypothesize, experiment, and verify this conclusion, via a controlled experiment with rats over the course of two years. That’s not to say that all tumors are caused solely by GMOs, but rather that at least one of the causes for tumors have been identified. As a result of this study, many countries have banned the importing, development, and sales of GMOs, including (but not limited to) Italy, Switzerland, and New Zealand (for confirmation, search â€Å"GMO Ban† from the University of Phoenix Library). The scientific method has also been used to study the toxicity of chem trails in the air, fluoride in the water, and preservatives in food products. So why has President Obama signed into law the Monsanto Protection Act, which protects Monsanto (a large American GMO company) from federal courts? With so much evidence, one must wonder why the government is turning a blind eye (or even worse, â€Å"protecting†) these companies, at the expense of our health. Many speculate that the motive for this corruption is money, such as corporate bribery (otherwise known as â€Å"lobbying†) from big Food and Medical industries. Consider how all three organizations benefit: Food companies from the sale of their poisonous products, Medical companies from the sale of treating the poisonous effects of the food, and Government from both the corporate â€Å"lobbying† and taxation. The love of money is indeed the â€Å"root of all evil†. But knowledge is power. The scientific method can be used to further expose this corruption, and as citizens demand that our Representative take action to remediate these problems. Another current and  very controversial issue is gun control. There are many strong and valid arguments from both sides of this debate. Gun owners would argue that more â€Å"good† people should be armed to outnumber the â€Å"bad† people, and that it is our constitutional right to bare arms. However, opposing viewpoints advocate that guns are too easily obtainable, and that certain precautionary measures should be taken to avoid the issuance of a gun to anyone not qualified, such as due to mental illness or history of violent behavior. Persuasive thinking is at play during these debates. The gun owner may portray a story where gun ownership was beneficial, saving an entire family from an armed robber. Opposing viewpoints may portray a story where a tragic massacre could have been prevented had gun control laws been in place. Notice how these arguments tug at the strings of our heart, playing into people’s emotions. In my opinion, both of these problems are not a matter of insufficient laws, but rather spiritual matters of the heart. In the early years of this nation, companies were never ordered by law to give back to their communities. Instead, company owners gave back to their communities out of the generosity of their hearts, good morals, and gratitude towards the capitalism system which has benefitted them so much. The Middle Class concept can also be attributed to company owners of good morals. This concept was not originally formulated by government, but rather by Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company, who wished to pay his employees not only for manufacturing his vehicles, but also for purchasing one of their very own. Sadly, greed and competition has poisoned the hearts of many present-day company owners to such a degree that they’re willing to do anything (including jeopardizing people’s health and cheating people out of their life savings and pensions) just to obtain a greater profit. The same concept applies to gun violence. In the founding years of this nation, life preservation and â€Å"loving thy neighbor† was held in highest esteem. But over time, the â€Å"fun† of violent video games, movies and TV Shows, as well as the â€Å"glory† of war has slowly eroded and desensitized the moral fabric of society. Good news can still emerge from the midst of these situations. As long as mankind continues to learn (about each other, as well as critical thinking and problem solving skills), love, compromise, and unite as one, there is no problem too big that cannot be solved! Major and minor problems arise in life, which called to be solved by using different methods. It is important that we able to utilize these methods, such as persuasive thinking and scientific thinking, in order to eliminate certain problems that may hinder us from achieving our personal goals. In the past, I have used both of these methods to solve problems that have been as simple as deciding which lotion was the healthiest choice for me and reminding my mother that I was an adult that wanted to travel. Using scientific thinking, I was able to eradicate a problem that involved using a certain type of body lotion. I went to a beauty store to purchase a new body lotion as my old body lotion was finished, and I wanted a change. I tested the scents of many lotions on the shelves and found a particular lotion that was in my budget and had a pleasant scent. The first day I used the lotion, I noticed that my skin was irritated and a few tiny bumps appeared on my arms and legs. Over the next few days, I still used the lotion, and the irritation grew worse; there were more bumps, and they were beginning to itch. The irritation never occurred when I used my old lotion, so I began to believe that was the problem. Kirby and Goodpaster (2007) state that the basic steps to solving a problem using the scientific method are observation, hypothesis formulation, experimentation, and verification (p. 221). I observed my skin breaking out after I bought the new lotion; I did not break out before I purchased the lotion, nor did I break out with my old lotion. I formed my hypothesis after that: â€Å"If I use this new lotion, then I will break out,† or â€Å"My new lotion is causing me to break out†. Next, I conducted a small experiment. I stopped using the lotion for a week, and I noticed that my skin began to clear up, and it felt less irritated with each day that passed. I concluded that my hypothesis was correct shortly thereafter, but to verify that conclusion, I bought an unscented, medicated lotion, (similar to my old lotion) and began using that. With this medicated lotion, I noticed that there were no negative changes with my skin. One part of the verification process was unintentional, though. One day, my arms were a bit dry after swimming with friends, and the only lotion I had in my purse was the scented lotion that I once hypothesized was causing my skin irritation. I did not believe I would break out again, but shortly after, my skin was irritated, red, and there were bumps on my arms. To this day, I stay away from lotion that is scented because my skin is very sensitive. This problem was much easier to solve than my problem that needed to be solved with persuasion. Persuasion is not one of my strengths, but I needed to use it in order to solve a problem I was facing. Ever since I received my first computer at the age of 10, I have spent a lot of time on the internet, chatting with peers and making new friends. I am an introvert, which is defined as â€Å"a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings,† (, 2012). I do not like being big crowds, and I feel more comfortable talking online with friends, than I do with talking to peopl e in public. In 2009, I met someone from Tennessee, and for three years I have chatted with her via instant messenger, spoken to her family, video chatted via video messenger, spoken on the phone, etc. We became very good friends, and I brought it to my mother’s attention that I wanted to travel to Tennessee to visit my friend. My mother’s immediate response was to deny me. Her argument was understandable, but I quickly realized that I had to do attempt to persuade her. As most children, my first reaction was to declare that she was being unreasonable, whine, and grovel. Of course, that did not work, so I decided to go another route. The first step that I took was asking my mother exactly why she did not want me to travel to see my friend. As she began to list the reasons, I made sure I listened. Next I made to make sure that my mother knew I saw her side of things. I understood why she was so adamant about not letting me go. I had spoken to my friend for years, and I felt as though I gotten to know her very well, but meeting someone in person will always be different- despite how well you know them online. There was also a chance that my friend and I would not get along in person, and I would be stuck in a state for a period of time where I did not know anyone else. After explaining many of the negatives, I began to give her positives. I wanted to let her know that I had a plan. I had my own money saved to travel. I told her that she could speak with my friend’s mother so the two could get to know each other a little better. I researched the town in Tennessee, so that my mother could  see that my friend lived in a quiet neighborhood where there was little crime. I had to also remind my mother that, despite her being my parent and wanting what was best for me, I was a 21-year-old young woman. When it was all over, I asked for my mother’s response. She said that I could travel to Tennessee, but there was a stipulation: my mother wanted to accompany me on the trip. I ended up compromising, so that my mother’s mind would be at ease and I could still go to see my friend. With my first problem, I learned something about my body: in order to keep my skin healthy, I had to avoid certain lotions that would lead to irritation. With the second problem, I had to remind myself to act as an adult and not to succumb to manipulative tasks when trying to persuade a parent. In the end I had to compromise, but the end result was still much better than not being able to see a friend that I cared for dearly. The two problems were handled differently, using two different methods of thinking, but both of my problems were solved in the end. References (2012). Introvert. Retrieved from Kirby, G. R., Goodpaster, J. R. (2007). Thinking: An interdisciplinary approach to critical thinking (4th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Medea by Euripides and The Aeneid by Virgil Essay Example for Free

The Medea by Euripides and The Aeneid by Virgil Essay In The Medea by Euripides and The Aeneid by Virgil the characters of Medea and Dido respond to desertion by their husbands, the individual they love most, in the form of a quarrel. Both characters go on to attempt to alleviate their pain via revenge. Their judgments and actions are impaired by each womans great eros and amor. Euripides and Virgil illustrate their vision of passion and love through the effects of Medea and Didos actions under the influence of these emotions. Both women could choose a healthier course for their pain by thinking rationally. Ultimately what matters is Medea is permitted to be distressed because she truly is abandoned by her husband, while Dido, on the other hand, is betrayed and destroyed by a lover she cons herself into believing is her husband. In response to the abandonment of their lovers, both Medea and Dido quarrel with their husband in an effort to sway him into altering his resolution. Medea attempts to make Jason leave his new bride and come back to her while Dido tries to influence Aeneas into staying with her. Each woman vents by launching their monologue with an introduction of insults. Although Medea straight forwardly calls Jason a coward in every way, Dido is more controlled and implies that Aeneas attempts to slip away in silence (Euripides, 465) (Virgil, IV.419). Throughout the remainder of the speeches, they attempt to get the men to bend to their wishes. The women use logic. Medea reminds Jason of the shame he will face as a result of having children wandering as beggars. Dido informs Aeneas of the bad weather he will encounter if he leaves now. Both women remind their lover of all they have sacrificed for him and everything they have not asked for in return. Medeas raging comments continue on about the broken marriage oath. Like Medea, Dido tries to force Aeneas to remain by her side because of the marriage that [they] entered on (Virgil, IV.432). Medea and Dido seem to end their side of the argument with final jabs at manhood of their husbands, but in her last breath, Dido asks for pity on her utterly bereft self (Virgil, IV.454). In the course of her speech Medea is seen as a very angry, vengeful woman while Dido is seen as desolate and pitiful. Both women, however, only want to be with the man they love. As a result of the abandonment of their husbands, both Medea and Dido hope  to quench their furor through revenge. Medea satisfies her thirst by killing four innocent victimsthose closest to Jason. Conversely, Dido constructs a funeral pyre that is a reconstruction of her life with Aeneas and throws herself upon it. Medea seeks revenge on others with the intention of mak[ing Jason] feel pain (Euripides, 1398). In hopes to extinguish her furor through her own demise, Dido stabs herself twice in the chest with the sword she gave to Aeneas; this way she says is a blessed relief to go into the undergloom (Virgil, IV.1048). Medeas rage ends with the satisfaction of innocent lives lost. Dido feels compelled to satisfy herself even further by hoping Aeneas painfully views the funeral pyre from his ship and by cursing Aeneas as well as her own people and all the children of their children (Virgil, IV.875). Ultimately, both women succeed in dousing the burning fury within. It is important to follow the paths these women select to satisfy their hurt because these paths are the result of both women allowing their eros and amor to cloud theirr judgment and influence her actions. While Medeas heart [is] on fire with passionate love for Jason and he returns her love, Medeas power and passion were enlisted for his aid (Euripides, 8). Didos love and passion for Aeneas overcome her passion for that of the city she founded. The moment either woman is betrayed, their passionate love for their husbands becomes passionate hate against them. Consequently, this is the motivation for Medeas bad judgment in her quest for revenge. Like Medea, Dido uses very bad judgment and so projects [are] broken off in Carthage (Virgil, IV.124). Both women refocus all of their eros and amor intended for the good of others to a single selfish purpose. Through Medea and Dido, two maddened lovers, both Euripides and Virgil illustrate their outlook on the effects of eros and amor (Virgil, IV.92). Both women allow their heart to rule, which brings trouble for many people. As a result of Medea following the wishes of her heart, she destroys or alienates her entire family. Because Dido uses her violent heart as a compass, Aeneas is almost derailed from his destiny (Euripides, 38). Aeneas is only back in line with destiny and the gods after he leaves to found Rome and begins to navigate with his head. Both Virgil and Euripides prove that  Medea and Dido create chaos as a result of allowing passion, not reason, to rule. Even in the midst of their turmoil it is feasible that Medea and Dido could choose to begin ruling with their minds and not their passion. Medea could kill Jason as a result of his hurtful act and not destroy four innocent people. If Dido truly loves Aeneas, she could risk going with him even if the consequences could be that she continues to be his mistress or that the Trojans tire of her and throw her overboard, as opposed to senselessly committing suicide. Medea could overcome her barbaric culture and allow Jason to live his life while she cares for her children as a loving mother should. Euripides and Virgil leave many options for both Medea and Dido if they can only get past the desires of their hearts and see past them to what is the superior good. Each development of Medea and Dido builds their similarities, but the crucial difference between the two wives in their justification for their actions and emotions is in the very foundation of their relationship with their husbands. Medea is married to Jason. She has gone through a marriage ceremony viewed by many and contested by none. Conversely, as Juno has intended, Dido misinterpreted the events which took place in the cave after the hunt. Virgil says she called it marriage. Thus, under that name, she hid her fault (Virgil, IV.237-238). Medea reacts to her betrayal atrociously. Although she kills the innocents, Euripides justifies the horrendous actions of Medea because she is married to Jason. He has left her for another woman. Because they had no commitment, Dido cannot justify her suicide and curse with the abandonment from a man she has an affair with and chooses to develop this affair into a liaison. Virgil does not specifically condemn Dido, but the tone of her commentary seems to put the blame on her. While Euripides Medea and Virgils Dido have similar reasons, reactions, and motivations, Medea is understood and Dido is just seen as bitter, vindictive, and pathetic.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Sympathy for Frankensteins Monster

Sympathy for Frankensteins Monster Mary Shelley might have written Frankenstein because she was challenged by her husband and Lord Byron to see who could write the best horror story while they were staying at Villa Diolati by Lake Geneva in Switzerland. Her father was interested in Galvanism- running electric currents through the body to restore it to life. In the book, Victor Frankenstein uses similar methods to create the monster. She was also influenced by the works of Samuel Taylor and Aaron Burr. Firstly, Shelley tries to create sympathy for the monster by describing his appearance in a unique yet horrific way: hes gigantic; about eight feet; deformed; black lips and lastly, yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath. When you link these descriptions together, Shelley creates a vivid, unnatural image of the monster in the minds eye. This creates sympathy for the monster by making him abhorrent to typical humans. Usually when someone is different in the society, they are pitied, oppressed or threatened by the majority. Secondly, Shelley tries to create sympathy for the monster the comments Victor makes behind his back. He says before making him that he hoped his creation would bless him as his creator. He also believed the monster to have happy and excellent nature and be beautiful. His words betrayed him when the monster was created. Instead of his work being beautiful, he says hes a filthy creation, hes ugly, horrid and a demonical corpse. This makes us sympathise for the monster because his father, his creator detests him. If the man that should be his father does not like him, it does not give him much hope with other people. The choice of words here are very emotive, it makes the reader feel sympathy and sorrow for the monster. Frankensteins brother, William, also detests the monster; he states hes a monster! An ugly wretch! and an ogre. This also makes us feel poignancy for the monster because even though he has done no harm to William at that point, he is able to be prejudice just by looking at his appearance. Thirdly, Shelley tries to create sympathy for the monster through comments said to his face, Frankenstein says hes a vile insect, and also adds cursed be the dayin which you first saw light! The language Shelly uses here is very powerful and emotive. He further goes on to say, Shall I create another like yourself, whose joints wickedness might desolate the world? This is even harsher as it is coming from his creator. It makes the reader want to comfort the monster and help him. He is lonely. All it wants is someone to like him, someone who would treat him like hes a person, not a thing or an insect. Fourthly, Shelley tries to create sympathy for the monster through what people do to him. Victor sprang on him and he flung his hands from his eyes with violence. This makes the reader feel sorry for the monster by making the monster sound helpless. He doesnt deserve this treatment. Victor further goes on to shred his girlfriend to pieces- just because the monster happened to be smiling at her. We feel empathy for the monster because it makes us realise that he has feelings like everyone else. A man in the woods just took one glance and he tore the girl from his armsaimed a gun at his body, and fired. This makes us realise how appalling people behave towards him. The man doesnt even give a chance to explain his reason for holding the girl- his appearance is good enough. These actions make us feel pity for him because we know he is innocent and all he wants is a friend. The fifth way Shelley tries to make us feel sorry for the monster is through peoples reaction to him. Victor couldnt and wouldnt look at him; he was unable to endure the aspect of being he had created. He thinks of his creation as a putrid savage without thinking hoe helpless and unwanted the monster feels by his fathers reactions. We wouldnt like it if children shrieked and women fainted just from looking at us, would we? The sixth way Shelley tries to create sympathy for the monster is though his actions when he comes to life. The monster muttered some inarticulate sounds to Frankenstein, he then smiled at Frankenstein, a grin wrinkled his cheeks. When the monster tries to touch Victor, he reacted badly. If someone rejected us just for being ourselves, we would feel really sad. When the monster turned away, upset, from a window he could see a girl lovingly being lifted by her father. We feel sorry for the monster because we see how loving the man was to his child while Frankenstein loathes the monster. Her choice of language makes him sound vulnerable and emotional. He even wept when the family were upset, showing he has feelings for others, not just for himself. Finally Shelley tries to create sympathy for the monster through his speech. He says all men hate the wretched! These words create sympathy for the monster because he knows hes been rejected by society for the way he looks. It isnt his fault the way he looks. People should have given him a chance and judged him on his personality rather than his face. In conclusion, Mary Shelley makes us sympathise for the monster through his appearance, his actions, his speech and how others react to him. She gets across this by her choice of words. She uses emotive language brilliantly.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The True Meaning of Halloween Essay -- History of Halloween

The True Meaning of Halloween Halloween is a holiday which has been around for a lot longer than many may think. Even the traditions which seem so modern and economically rooted are almost as old as the tradition of Halloween itself. There is a lot of confusion as to when the tradition of Halloween began. Many think that Halloween began with the Celts. The Celts celebrated Samhain which was a holiday that symbolized the end of the time of the light and the beginning of the time of the dark. During the time of the dark it was said that the wall between the spirit world and that of the living was weakened and spirits were able to obtain access to the living more easily. Hence this could be one of the reasons children today think of Halloween as a scary holiday, they unknowingly are going along with ancient traditions. Along with the tradition of Samhain other traditions fused into that one to form the Holiday we know today. According to one website their research shows that, â€Å"After the Romans conquered the Celtic world, they merged Samhain with their own festivals, a harvest fest called Poloma, and a celebration for the dead called Feralia.†(A Traditional Halloween) Though the celebration itself has been explained, the acts in which children celebrate it have not. â€Å"Some believe that Druids, who threatened dire consequences to residence who didn’t respond generously to their demands for free goods or money.†(A Traditional Halloween) Yet another clue where the tradition of trick or treating may come from is that author Joan Lee Faust has pointed out that â€Å"The Roman harvest festival honoring Pomona, the goddess of fruits, was held about the same time of year. Historians suggest this festival also infl... ...ty rules and try to be as careful as possible Halloween can stay an enjoyable holiday for all. So centuries later after the Celts and Romans and early Christians the tradition of Halloween still lives on. Though one is unsure who to specifically thank for this exciting day, everyone at one point in their life or another has celebrated this holiday and really has enjoyed the day with family and friends. Sources Cited Faust, Joan Lee â€Å"Around the Garden† New York Times 31 Oct. 1965 Mealia, Bernie personal interview 8 Dec. 2003 Sanders, Dan â€Å"Halloween Traditions Change from Childhood to Adulthood† The Keystone 8 Dec. 2003 â€Å"A Traditional Halloween† 8 Dec. 2003 Wilson, Jerry â€Å"History and Customs of Halloween† 8 Dec. 2003

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Canterbury Tales Essay - Marriage and the Role of Women in the Wife of

Marriage and the Role of Women in the Wife of Bath’s Prologue  Ã‚   The Canterbury Tales, begun in 1387 by Geoffrey Chaucer, are written in heroic couplets iambic pentameters, and consist of a series of twenty-four linked tales told by a group of superbly characterized pilgrims ranging from Knight to Plowman. The characters meet at an Inn, in London, before journeying to the shrine of St Thomas a Becket at Canterbury. The Wife of Bath is one of these characters. She bases both her tale and her prologue on marriage and brings humor and intrigue to the tales, as she is lively and very often crudely spoken. Her role as a dominant female contrasts greatly with the others in the tales, like the prim and proper Prioress represents the argument for virginity, whereas the Wife upholds the state of marriage. Women were very much perceived as second-class citizens in the Fourteenth Century, they were rarely educated and had little status in society. In contrast, the two female characters in the book are from areas of society where it was possible for women to have influence probably as these characters would hold more interest for his readership. The prioress was undoubtedly the most powerful person in the nunnery and the Wife’s position as a weaver would gain her respect and power although it is implied that she achieves this through other means. Through the Wife Chaucer shows how women achieved authority through marriage, using humor typical of modern mother-in-law comedy. His tongue in cheek approach shows how the Wife controls her husbands, by terrorizing them so that each were "ful glad" when she "spake to hem faire". The reason for the Wife’s cruel treatment after marriage was that she no longer needed "to winne hir love, or do... ...ant in the modern day church. The aspects of marriage portrayed in the Wife of Bath’s prologue feature heavily around sexual pleasure and wealth. Her description shows the struggle for power causes conflict, occasional violence and abuse; all the while she is justifying her lifestyle and fighting for female equality. Despite no fidelity, love, or trust as deceit and affairs that seem to be commonplace the Wife of Bath ‘s description of married life is very much a comical one, which she does seem to enjoy especially if she achieves fulfillment. Altogether Chaucer’s portrait of 14th Century married life is at best a humorous battleground for independence, wealth and pleasures of the flesh. Works Cited: Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. The Norton Anthology: English Literature. Sixth Edition, vol. 1. Ed. Abrams, M.H. Norton & Company: New York, 1993.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Museum Of Fine Arts Boston Essay

A flaw inherent to many business models is that the business/organization relies on a generic analysis of their resources instead of taking into account their specific product/market combination. The MFA is a museum, a school, a publisher, a retailer, a restaurateur, a film-theater, and more. Each demands unique research and analysis. A fusion of information would enable the MFA to establish an ongoing and effective strategic plan. Identification and discussion of three types of resources the MFA possesses with reference to the advantages of those resources. Three core resources (collections, audience, and exhibitions) and three supporting resources (facilities, financial, and organization) make the achievement of their strategic plan possible. Collections established a continued need to improve the quality of the collection, its management and care and provide electronic access to the collection. Audience included the need to engage, educate, and delight visitors as well as retain and expand the audience by better understanding the needs of their highly segmented target market. Special exhibitions entailed the creation of an exhibition schedule that met a variety of goals including an intellectual contribution, the attraction of visitors and revenue generation. Special-exhibition attendance is unpredictable and requires research to make reliable revenue forecasts. The supporting resources: Facilities focused specifically on enlarging and improving the museum. Financial reiterated the need for fiscal stability and fund-raising that would support facility expansion as well as other identified strategic needs. The MFA needs to maintain a balanced budget. Due to the American system of funding arts the MFA relies almost exclusively on private funding and its revenues come from memberships, admissions, sales of merchandise, restaurant food sales, school tuition, contributions, gifts and grants, and investments. The external relations group competes with other New England institutions for donations as well as educational institutions (Harvard) and area hospitals. Organization focuses on the adoption of an audience-aware, results-oriented, experimental attitude and realignment of the divisions within the MFA in order to support the strategic focus. This includes the MFA’s relationships with its customers, employees, donors and outside organizations; branding (which is directly related to mission and must be clear, specific, and not to be interpreted as a routine promise). The MFA needs to differentiate their purpose [other than to educate] from that of other museums. Their brand needs to be credible, meaningful and dependent upon a realistic mission statement. One type of resource that the organization needs to improve A significant issue for the museum is how to increase the visitor-experience in the museum. Research has revealed some key deficiencies in the visitor’s experience in the museum. Unique brand awareness challenges face the MFA because they are a non-profit multi-dimensional art institution with a highly segmented target market. The museum put together a cross-functional team that focused on initiatives related to orientation, customer service, on-site communications, and team undertook numerous initiatives to enhance the overall visitor experience of the MFA. Conclusion: why attendance is an important resource on which the MFA should focus. The museum’s will undoubtedly get focus and attract renewed attention in 2010 when the new wing opens but a continued strategy to improve core attendance is an ongoing priority. Critical questions remain: How does the MFA ensure continued, satisfactory visitor attendance? Continued education of their market, delivery on their mission and quality visitor experience. References Rangan, V. K. , Bell, M. (2005). Case 16. Museum of Fine Arts Boston. (pp. 530-557). Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. Chiagouris, L. (2005). Article 13. Nonprofits can take Cues from the Biz World. Branding Roadmap Takes Shape. In Marketing Management Magazine. (September/October 2005, pp. 52-54). New York: Pace University’s Lubin School of Business. Developing Competitive Advantage and Strategic Focus. In Chapter 5 Lecture Notes. (2008). Thomson Learning Inc.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Landslide Limousine Performance management plan Essay

Stonefield is starting up a new limousine business with 25 employee, located in Austin, Texas. The performance management plan is the starting point or a map for the company to identify and achieve the desire outcome they want for their employees and their customer. The company wants to maximize its goal through its performance management plan. the performance framework alone with the strategies of the business will developed an organizational performance philosophy, performed job analyses to identify necessary skills needed by employees, identified methods for measuring employee’s skills, developed a process for addressing skill gaps, and developed an approach for delivering effective performance feedback to employees. Performance management plan should always be use as a tool for a business to run smooth. The performance management framework with the strategies of the business According to Cascio (2013), at a general level, the broad process of performance management require s that you do three things well: define performance, facilitate performance, and encourage performance. The managers at Landslide must ensure that each and every employee know what is expected of them. They must have goals that are sustainable. The goals that are set must â€Å"make the company successful† (Cascio 2013). Managers must facilitate performance by eliminating roadblocks. They must provide all the right resources, tools and training. With that being said they must also hire the right employees in other words hire the right fit. You can’t have an employee with a bad driving record driving for a limo service, so you have do a background check just one example. Every employee like the last one, encourage performance, managers should always encourage employees in some kind of way, show them how they are appreciated. According to Cascio (2013), don’t bother offering rewards that nobody cares about, like a gift certificate to see a fortune teller. If  you are good to your employees they will be good to you. Show them you care. Organizational performance philosophy The philosophy of Landslide Limousine will be to utilize the max efficiency and the effectiveness of each employee’s performance; and furthermore to facilitate communication between the employees and their supervisors, according to University of California, Berkeley (2014), employees at all levels are responsible for actively communicating with their supervisors about their performance, taking an active role in planning their development, being accountable for their actions, and continually striving for excellence in their performance. Supervisors are responsible for training and making sure that the employees have the right tools to carry out the mission or job. They have to make sure the job is done right. They have to make sure the customer are taking care of. The job analysis process to identify necessary skills needed by employees According to Cascio (2013), Performance standards translate job requirements into levels of acceptable or unacceptable employee behavior. Job analysis identifies what is to be done. Job analysis information can be gathered in a variety of ways, Landslide Limousine will be using all combinations of method. The observation is one method which is limited to only so many jobs. The interview method is gathering information which requires an interview with every employee. This should be easy to do since he is starting off with only 25 employees. The interview method should focus on how the employees is performing each job. The major duties of the position. Are there is job’s physical demands. This method can be time very consuming but it will help Landslide Limousine identify necessary skills needed by employees. The last method is the Questionnaires. This method is widely used it tells management where training is needed, what is going right, what is wrong and what need improving. It can be a very detail long and complicated process. Methods used for measuring the employee’s skills I would recommend Landslide use the Behavior-oriented rating methods and results-oriented rating method for measuring the employee’s skills. Managers should conduct ride-a-long with each driver to observe their behavior and to rate their skills against others. The manager should document the  observation. Mangers should always provide feedback in a timely manner. It should be taken to improve employee performance. According to Cascio (2013), behavior-oriented rating methods focus on employee behaviors, either by comparing the performance of employees to that of other employees or by evaluating each employee in terms of performance standards without reference to others. The results-oriented rating method is another great method to use. The company needs to have a way to do customer survey. Customer service is one of the most important skills that should be measured constantly. According to Cascio (2013), results-oriented rating methods place primary emphasis on what an employee produces; dollar volume of sales, number of units produced, and number of wins during a baseball season are examples. In other word a limo driver will be rated on how well his/her skills are with customer service. They are being rating and measured at all times. Process for addressing skill gaps When addressing skill gaps it should be communicated on a daily basic but in a more formal way during the Performance evaluation. It should identify the areas that need improvement, a performance improvement plan (PIP) can be put in place. This is the opportunity for an employee that do not have all the skill to succeed to receive the appropriate training that he/she did or didn’t have. When addressing area for improvement communication is the key between managers and employees. Approach for delivering effective performance feedback According to Cascio (2013), before giving feedback, getting training in performance appraisal interviewing, planning to use a problem-solving approach rather than â€Å"tell -and-sell,† and encouraging subordinates to prepare for performance-feedback interviews, is important. Also, while giving feedback, each manager should be encouraging subordinates to participate by being specific, being an active listener, setting mutually agreeable goals for future improvements, avoiding destructive criticism, and judging performance and not personality and mannerisms. Lastly, after the feedback is communicated, each manager should periodically assess progress toward goals and make organizational rewards contingent on performance. If Landslide Limousine needs to make sure they that provide these before,  during, and after feedback activities, these activities can help better the performance of each and every person that Landslide employ. Conclusion Having a good Performance plan before starting business is always a great beginning. You need a stepping stone to hire the right employee and to put the right people in the place. Providing them with the right tools make for a successfully business and satisfied customer. References Cascio, W. F. (2013). Managing Human Resources (9th Ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc. University of Berkley. (2014). Berkley HR. Retrieved from What is Human Resource? (2015). Retrieved from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Reflection and Reaction Paper Of Human Evolution Essay

INTRODUCTION Planet Of Life: Apes to Man narrated by Stacy Steach, tells us about the origin Of Human Evolution. According to the documentary film, 100, 000, 000 years Ago, the world was first inhabited by the dinosaurs. But, because of the asteroid 6 miles wide That struck the earth; it brought the end of the reign of the Dinosaurs. After being strucked by The Asteroid, the earth became life less. But, insects and plants and some small Mammals would Survive and populate the landscape. And, one of these is the Pregatoria, One of earth’s First Primate. It was an arboreal animal. The Earth regained its life source and bass tropical rainforest For hundreds of generation. This Large Habitat would nurture new families of primates. One of the oldest known signs of our origin and arrival are hominid imprints dating back 3 Million and a Half years ago. Human evolved from primates perhaps the apes that once lived in Southern Africa. This sumptuous forest may have helped to shape human kinds direct ancestors. In Lake Victoria in Kenya, Rusinga Island, The team led by Mary Leakey discovered the partial Skeleton Up a distant relative dating 60 Million Years Ago. Over decades Rusinga became Remarkable evidence of Human origins. There, found a Proconsul, these are earliest known ape. No other fossil ancestor has been reconstructed in such details. With their long fingers they Could grasp the branches firmly. They’ve been said to be related to humans, despite years of Analysis and ongoing scientific inquiry, it is not yet found possible to name all the limbs to Human Family Tree.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Curleys Wife’s Diary Essay

In the novel by John Steinbeck their was one character that really expressed his feeling to me and that character was Curley’s wife. Why am I such an emotional bucket? I’m not grumpy, im just lonely, noone gives me any attention, but all they want to do is just hurt me, by secluding me out because I am different, because I am a woman, my whole life has been denied to me, since I met that man in the club I thought my life was made, then my mother goes and denies my happiness and freedom to do whatever I want, even something good like going into the pictures, I did make a mistake because of my mothers fault, I married curley, that horrible horrible man was meant to be my escape from mother,†¦my Revenge†¦,but it didn’t happen, I just dug myself a deeper hole, I met curley in that club where I met the man, I met him the same night and i only really did it to get back at mother, that’s what she gets for ruining me life, Now,because of her I will never get my dream, and it could have been a reality, if that bag had’nt stopped my letters,†¦Everyone is so mean to me, they donâ₠¬â„¢t pay any attention and attempt to completely blank me from their life.Like when I was in the niggers tiny little hut,But I showed that stupid nigger why he shouldn’t treat me like dirt, because I am more important then him, even a secluded girl like me has more respect then a god damn nigger. I threatened to hang that man, he shouldn’t even be working here, he has a stupid back problem and looks like dung, he Should be shot.Also that stupid smelly sheep man Candy was there, what is he still doing in this ranch? He should have been kicked out ages ago, his a dumb smelly old man with no purpose , I Remember when I first showed George and lenny around the ranch.I was trying to make new friends is all and everyone was angry at me, including george, who tried to make that dumb bear ignore me as well. Then later when I asked where curley was, they all gave me bad looks, because I am a woman and I am different an they can not cope with that.I remember when I was sitting with lennie, the bear. I Saw that puppy he had killed and he was so panicy, trying to hide it from me, when I found it though he told me all his problems and he wasn’t so bad, we talked but all he seemed to care about as rabbits, he didn’t seem to pay attention to my troubles. But I guess he is dumb, All the men think I am trying to flirt. Sometimes I am talking to someone and they give me bad looks and tell me to go back to curley, as if he is my owner or something, and if they do not say that, instead curley beats me up, Lennie was telling me once that he likes to stroke things,†¦ and he also said that that’s how the puppy died and how all his pets die, and how he once had an aunt called clara who gave his special clothes for him to stroke. I think he is dumb or crippled in the head,. He told me that once he got in trouble with a girl in weed because he touched her dress and he was chased,

Friday, September 13, 2019

Black Legend Essay Research Paper The

Black Legend Essay, Research Paper The Black Legend During the late 15th and early 16th centuries Catholic Spain was get downing a huge motion in attempts to rule Europe by suppressing lands about the New World. Lands in Mexico and countries near the Yucatan known as New Spain became the focal point of Spain s conquering. Bing the first state to administer their settlements throughout the New World, Spain was ridiculed by neighbouring states like England and France. However this type of ridiculing was mostly due to the faith of Spain at the clip. After the Protestant Reformation, Spain had remained to be a Catholic state. Therefore powers like England were able to assail Spain from all political sides. This new vision of Spain s bloody conquering in South America allowed Protestant Europeans to originate a theory on Spain s conquerings known as the Black Legend. This Black Legend was said to state that the Spanish were barbarous to the indigens in their settlements merely because they were Catholic. Based on the given articles written from the bulk of which were brought approximately from different position and sentiments, this fable in my sentiment must be true. Such people who wrote these letters or docudramas were well- sure solons, and to lie to the governor of one # 8217 ; s state was considered to be a wickedness to both the Majesty and to God. Even in the positions of those belonging to Spain and the Catholic Church, the Spaniard # 8217 ; s try to represent themselves in the New World was an unjustly and barbarous cause. The chief ground for Spain s barbarian attack to the New World was in effort to the counter-Reformation. The Spaniards wanted to pull new voices in the Catholic Church by directing missionaries and Jesuits to the New World in order to spread out the faith and hopefully convey the terminal of Protestant Reformation by barricading off all England s and Europe s effort in colonisation. Therefore, the usage of force was needed to suppress new lands and advance God and His Majesty for Spain. Since the position of the French, English, and even Spanish are used, in my best words I claim the Black Legend to be true. In the words of de Las Casas who he himself was a Catholic Spaniard said that the indigens were people who were patient, peaceable and unagitated. They neer had hatred, desire, or retribution. He considered them to be weak and delicate people who lived amongst themselves in peace and harmoniousness. How of all time, in conformity to the priest, the Spaniards and their Equus caballuss came and slaughtered the adult females, work forces, and kids in hunt of enlargement and chiefly gold. This desire for gold kept the Spaniards on the move, and until they had had all they would non rest. Even in the eyes of an Aztec who had nil but his people, the Spaniards killed and robbed the people and even at times took advantage of their adult females. This ferociousness, nevertheless, merely seemed to be in the eyes of conquistadors. For among present twenty-four hours America, the Gallic and Puritans struck singular friendly relationship among the local indigens. The Gallic with the assistance of the baronial Samuel de Champlain struck a trade trade with the Indians for beaver pelt. Even the Puritans gained trust from Squanto in Plymouth to construct a durable relationship of trust and friendly relationship. When Sir Walter Raleigh arrived in the Caribbean he described the people as frightened and bewildered due to the plundering Spanish who took advantage of their adult females and embarrassed their work forces. Even with such conquerings and ferociousness of the Spanish, commercial Catholicism was non reached harmonizing to Father Juan Rogel in a missive to Pedro I. He claimed that despite great promotions in the modernisation of the indigens, he was unable to convey them to the understanding about the faith. Since the Indians were on the move 9 of 12 months he was unable to larn the linguistic communication to the full or wholly preach to them. And when he did they would invariably do merriment of his words. He acknowledged that the lone manner acquire them to collaborate were to settle them down and build small towns. For if any adult male was to follow them for 50 old ages, his message would neer acquire across. These concrete facts, letters, and personal histories seem to indicate at the Spaniards as being barbarous due to the fact that they were Catholic and had the desire to acquire their message across and take advantage of the people and ownerships of the ancient civilisations established in the New World. The Protestants really good could hold done such things every bit good in order to barricade the counter-Reformation, alternatively they took the advice of the indigens and established a more comfortable foundation and settlement. Even though today most of South America is Catholic, they are still behind chiefly due to the Acts of the Apostless that occurred 100s of old ages ago. In bend the Black Legend did hold a big impact on the colonisation and Reformation of the New World.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Cabeza de Vaca and his Encounter with the Indian Tribes Research Paper

Cabeza de Vaca and his Encounter with the Indian Tribes - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that the journey and expedition of Governor Pamfilo de Narvaez, followed by around 600 men and five ships along with the officers including Cabeza de Vaca , the Treasurer and alguacil mayor, Alonso Enriquez, the Comptroller, Alonso de Solis, Quartermaster to Your Majesty and Inspector, Juan Suarez, a Franciscan Friar, Commissary and four more friars for capturing and ruling over the provinces beginning from the River of Palms to the cape of Florida is amazing. The incidents that were encountered during this harrowing expedition have been presented by Cabeza de Vaca in this book called The Journey and Ordeal of Cabeza de Vaca. His account of this terrible journey of the southwest part of America certainly leaves us with a feeling trepidation on the one hand and astonishment on the other. The lifestyles of the Indians clearly reflected their ability to survive against the odds and tame their environment.  During their first phase of the jou rney, from Spain through Cuba to Tampa Bay, the Governor, decided to move further, into inland areas despite the opposition of Cabeza de Vaca that segregated them from their supporting vessels and left them in miserable conditions without sufficient food and water. However, this is the first time that the fleet confronted the attack of the Indian tribes. During their second voyage that took them to the coast of Texas, the inhabitants in this area were primarily Karankawa Indians. In fact, the survivors and Cabeza de Vaca were the first non-Indians known to hit this coast. The hostile attitude of these Indian tribes towards the foreigners and enslaving Cabeza shows their struggle for survival. Broadly speaking, the Indians were in a constant state of warfare with their environment and knew little about life on the other part of the globe. The only thing that characterized the Indian tribes included their aggression and toughness which can be accounted to the antagonistic environment in which they lived. In one of the instances, Cabeza has stated that â€Å"they were bidding us go†, (31).

Supporting your Claim Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Supporting your Claim - Essay Example Either way it is prudent and sometimes demands of the situation to produce objective and verifiable evidence to bring the point home for the readers. The facts should have permanence and universality and pass the test of time. The assertions you are making, the information, news and opinion you are giving, the facts, data and revelations you are presenting are all your ‘claims’ that needs be properly supported with objective evidence. Maxine C. Hairston says, â€Å"we all use another common thought pattern, that of assertion and support. We do that when we make a claim, and then back it up with reason†. (p57). Backing and supporting is done by citing authorities and studies in a manner to be understood and accepted by to the readers. You are obliged to adapt a tune and style appealing to the readers and entice them to a willing suspension of disbelief as stated by Coleridge in his Biographia Literaria.. Supporting your claim is important because â€Å"Professors are skeptical who expect authors to back their claims with evidence and rational arguments. As you draft your paper, try to anticipate at what points your readers might ask â€Å"How do you know?† or â€Å"What evidence do you have for that statement?† (Hairston, p5). Giving a universal appeal and acceptance to a piece of composition, the â€Å"claims† in an essay must therefore be supported by objective and verifiable evidences, otherwise the essay will turn into fiction or a fairy tale and would not appeal to the reason of the readership. The writer must therefore know his â€Å"claims† and must know the answer to question like â€Å"how do you know?† or â€Å"how can you claim?† An essay should hold the reader’s attention and have sublimity which comes with authentication of the facts narrated in the essay. The facts narrated should be universal and not limited in scope only known and understood in a local culture. They should also pass the test of